Week no. 42

I fell out of the habit of posting my week in review. After returning from Stockholm, my weeks just felt less exciting. It was difficult for me to muster up the energy to write when I kept comparing my week to previous posts. But I’m recommitting myself to the practice because it’s cathartic and helps me see the positive in each week.

no. 1 / Have you seen our latest prints? I’m excited to announce a new series I’ll be expanding with time: botanical family prints. It’s sort of a way to showcase the variety within types of plants. I started with Japanese maples and succulents. They’re also larger than our other prints—12 x 18 inches. Stay tuned for cacti and ferns next!

no. 2 / We have some new Taiga Press stockists! I’m happy to welcome House of Flowers in Bakersville, CA; Flora Plant Shop in Nashville; and Kiriko Made in Portland, OR. I’m actually working on some custom cards for Kiriko, so look forward to more news on that. We’re always looking for suggestions for more retailers. If you know a store whose aesthetic compliments our own, please let us know!

no. 3 / While the holidays still feel a ways away, I know they’ll be here before we know it. I’m excited to announce I’ll be at both the Renegade Craft Fairs in San Francisco (November 10 & 11) and Seattle (December 15 & 16). Mark your calendars!

no. 4 / Always in search of more design inspiration, I just picked up a copy of Russian and Other Slavic Embroidery Designs.

no. 5 / My husband, Andrew, and I have been trying to stick to a budget and be more intentional with meal planning recently. This includes making larger meals that last for multiple days. I would be lost without Heidi Swanson’s 101 Cookbooks, especially her Instant Pot recipes. We just made this coconut red lentil soup and it was divine. I’m also obsessed with these energy bites.

no. 6 / If I could splurge on anything right now, I think it would be a print by Hillery Sproatt (pictured). I love her illustrations so much and have one of her blankets—which are basically prints she has turned into textiles.

no. 7 / Fall is my favorite season. It’s been unseasonably warm in Astoria this past week, but this morning a thick layer of fog has covered the town’s hillside. I love how moody it makes the changing foliage look. It makes me want to light a candle and snuggle up under a blanket with a cup of coffee and a good book. What are you reading?